
Smart Pipe Monitoring

A patented system for leak location in underground pipes for any liquid, any pipe material.

Construction Industry

There's a membrane under there! DPMs and Gas Membranes get badly damaged by both bar and fiber concrete reinforcing placement

Mining Industry

Leaks take profits from the bottom line. At leach pads and pregnant ponds high value product is lost at a rate of $100k per acre

Inventors of electronic geomembrane leak detection and location systems.

Electronic leak detection and location is a powerful tool, used to monitor waterproofing and containment systems first ensuring an effective seal is created and then that it is maintained.

The detection and location of leaks electronically is equally useful for the protection of leaks out of containment or storage facilities as it is to the prevention of leaks into structures that house sensitive contents, or even to protect flat roofs from leaks in to prevent damage to expensive finishes.

The market leading leak detection systems developed by Sensor are used to test geomembranes and roofs for integrity, our monitoring systems provide warnings automatically the moment penetrative damage occurs thus preventing any significant leaks and mitigating the potential for periods of sustained percolation along with the minimisation of consequential damage that can occur as a result.

Sensor systems are designed to protect clients, contractors and insurance companies alike, our vast experience in the discovery of geomembrane and roofing membrane failure enables us to anticipate when and where damage will occur. In turn this means we can target the development of our systems at capturing and repairing damage at each stage in the installation and subsequent life of the membrane.

Our systems locate and detect leaks as they occur meaning that rectification is a small scale, low cost and highly targeted process instead of a complete or partial replacement project because Sensor DDS® demonstrates geomembrane integrity in realtime. This means that for dirty applications (e.g. waste, mining, oil and gas extraction) there is an improved chance of success with regulatory compliance and approval at the planning stage.

For clean installations such as potable water prevention of bacterial / chemical ingress can be pro-actively prevented whether this is due to accidental or, criminal damage.

During your membrane's service life electronic leak detection can prove your facility is not leaking, minimise any repair costs and mitigate the volume of any leaks when geomembrane damage occurs as well as minimising any consequential damage as result of a leak.

Electronic leak detection technologies provide a robust solution to ensure that leaks through waterproofing system are eliminated from roofs, tanks, landfill sites, ponds, secondary containment systems and lagoons no matter what they contain.

Global leader in leak detection systems… the only solution you need